Resume Debate


1.Pro      : Human very easy to enter orang utan areas so it will increase the percentage that will be a contact between orang utan and human. And it will be dangerous for orang utan.
Kontra : 1. The environment can be another caused of orang utan dies.
                  2. The contact between human and orang utan cannot be avoided

My opinion : I think an adult people can have a contact with oragutan,but child and teenage can't because adult people know what is the right thing and the bad thing. Next solution is ,Orangutan observation must have a supervisor for control teenage and child who want have a contact with oragutan.
      2.Pro       : 1. The police should follow the case even though there isn't any report from the victim.
                       2. The victim may be still shocked. So she can't make a report.

Kontra  : 1. The police cannot follow the case because there is no report. The victim should make a report first because that's the rule.
                   2. We shouldn't blame the police because they have procedure to follow up cases. If the victim cannot make a report. 

My opinion : The police should follow the case even though there isn't any report from the victim, because the victim can be feel ashamed with the case that hapenned to her, and thats why the victim didn't report the case to the police.

      3.Pro        : The police should clean up the habitat of snakes because if it's not, the snakes will produce and kill other human.

Kontra   : Animals do that because they've been disturbed by human and the snakes only have instinct they don't have humanity.

My opinion :i think we musn't destroy the animals habitat. The snake did it because their habitat already destroyed by human.

      4.Pro         : This psychology test is good for us because this psychology test for driver license can reduce the traffic accident.
Kontra   : This psychology test just waste our time and only for formality for semeone who gives money and want to make driver licence faster.
My opinion : I think the goverment should held that test for people who want have a driver license. With that test the driver mentality will tested and it can increased a traffic accident.

       5.Pro         : 1. The community can help them to improve their self esteem.
                     2. The community help them to build their life and we have no right to judge them on it.

Kontra   : 1. Transgenders are not grateful for their lives.
                    2. Their identity don't match male or female gender.

My opinion : i agree with the community which is help them to forget their past and help them to reach their future again with work that has been provide by that community. But i disagree with the "transgender" because that thing show that we disrespect to god who has created us perfectfully.

       6.Pro         : There are a lots of benefit of school zonation. The benefits are the students won't be tired, the parents won't waste much money, the parents can control their children.

Kontra    : 1. It is not fair because the student doesn't free to choose the best school 

My opinion : I think zoning system are good for equal students distribution.

      7.Pro         : 1. We can see that the government has actually started pushing several green projects, like LED and solar power to reduce green house and gas emissions.
                     2. Green projects not only for Asian Games, but Indonesia should build up the commitment to suistanable the development.

Kontra    : 1. The progress is already maximum because Indonesia just have a really short time to prepare Asian Games, so I think it is good for Asian Games.

My opinion : I think we shouldn't continue this program until asiam games end. Because for now we must focus to build infrastructure for Asian games and that program can continued again after Asian games end.


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