Countryside Visit

Countryside Visit

On January 3rd we 11th grader visit the countryside of Cibereum, the region of Kertasari. We stayed there for 3 days. There, we learn to socialize with the people from the countryside. We learn how to work and live like the countryside people.

The most memorable experience that caused our project is on the 2nd day we visited the scallion garden. There we helped the gardener plant scallions. After that we eat at the small shack near the garden and then we bathed with hot water there. The hot water is really nice. There is no need for soap or shampoo to bath there. Cause the water is therapy water and it has a property of cleaning itself.

The problem is the bathing place is too open. So many people walk by as we are bathing. one of my friends, his name is Christian, when he is bathing there is some other friends from our school that walk by and see him completely naked. So we bully him all the rest of the journey.

This problem can be solved with a more appropriate bathing place. Some place like the hot water spring in japan. The concept is similar because the water is natural water flowing from the volcano. With the making of the hot water spring, less body parts will be exposed and more bathing experience enjoyed. This also reduce the use of soap and shampoo to bath and that makes less pollution for the water and land. It is also profitable by the villagers as the hot water spring can be a travel destination


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